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- Published: Wednesday, 19 February 2014 12:06
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The Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa cooperates with a number of units associated with the fire department in Europe and pożarniczymi and scientific institutions in Poland.
From year to year we try to improve the skills and experience of staff and cadets on European soil .
Summary co PSP Central School in Czestochowa in 1996 :
Great Britain
On 15.03.1995r CS PSP hosted representatives of the Fire Service College in the person of Peter Whitehouse , John Lopata from Great Britain .
On a visit to CS 17.10 a delegation from the Fire Service College in Moreton in Marsh in England .
Visit of delegation from THW - Germany at the Central School of PSP in Czestochowa. on 12 - 13.02.1998r .
In dniach4 - 7 October the fourth Regional Conference Group Africa / Europe , the United Nations - INSARAG . The participants of the Conference were representatives of 27 countries , the UN, the European Union. The leading theme of the Conference;
"Floods in the Czech Republic , Poland and Germany in 1997. "
Between 27 - 28.10 held International Conference Services representatives rescue Polish and German .
Visit THW training instructors - Germany. 30.05 - 05.06
The Fire Service College Moreton - in - Marsh England
Rate Command Headquarters
" Current issues which deal with executives Fire Brigade Headquarters in the UK" 25 - 26.06.1999
III International Symposium on " Fire Protection of Monuments " 6 - 8.10
Visit firefighters from Ukraine - 18.11
Meeting the Chief PSP delegation of management in the fire service of the Czech Republic in Czestochowa.
Symposium " One Seven " 9 - 10.10
Visit of representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Canada. 25.10
Visit of Mr. Gene P. Carlson of the U.S. Employee Volunteer Firemen 's Insuranse Services. Lecture on "The World Trade Center Incident " . 12.03
Meeting of Experts of the International Technical Committee for the Prevention and Combating fires .
23 - 26 May
Meeting of the Committee CTIF " Dangerous " 3 - 6.10
The meeting of the Executive CS PSP School Fire Direction Czech Republic 12-13.11
Visit of the delegation of Russia EMERCOM 28.02
Visit of the delegation " Sapeurs - Pompiers D Auby " from France on April 29
Training Instructors Turkish Fire 14.08 - 1.09
For the Polish flew 28 - A group of Turkish firefighters on training that Polish police brigade was organized after winning a prestigious international project funded by the European Commission under the MERP and Caritas International .
Poland Fire Department restructures Turkish rescue .
August 14, 2005 on the Polish flew 28 - strong group of Turkish firefighters on training , which was organized by Polish fire brigade after winning a prestigious international project funded by the European Commission.
Instructors from Turkey, in the province of Sakarya and Kocaeli , destroyed by the earthquake in 1999 took part in the project " Restructuring and raise the standards of firefighters from regions Adapazarii province of Sakarya and Kocaeli Kocaeli province ."
In view of the prevailing fire on 26 July 2007, the National Rescue Coordination Centre and Civil Protection zadysponowało car SCKw Star- Man with two drivers to the Republic of Macedonia. The Central School held loading 2 cars with the help of the Macedonian Fire Brigade.
Visit of the delegation of the Northwest Center of the Russian Federation MCZS
On 7-11 April. , At the invitation of the Commander in Chief PSP delegation visited Poland Northwest MCZS Center of the Russian Federation in ST . Petersburg.
Polish delegation firefighters in the fire school Länder of Saxony
On 21-22 April 2008 in the town of Nardt Polish delegation visited firefighters at the fire school Länder of Saxony. With the approval of the General Headquarters of the PSP , the organizer and initiator of the trip was to Central School of PSP in Czestochowa , and the composition of the delegation included representatives of the Headquarters of the PSP, the Fire School and the Central School of PSP in Czestochowa. The main purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the construction , operation and costs of the operation of container trainers gas fire exercise .
Delegation of the European Federation of Sport
During the XXV Jubilee Polish Championship in Sport firefighting in the School hosted a foreign delegation of the European Federation of Sport. Honored us with his presence Mr. Kostas Janakos from Greece, Joan Miret from Romania , Steve O'Connell of Ireland and Hans user from the Netherlands .
On 04.06.2009 at the Central School of PSP in Czestochowa visit by U.S. Ambassador to Poland Victor Ashe you . Will be welcomed by Commandant School Junior Brigadier Lesław Dogwood .
Firefighters European Championship in Tennis and Tennis Natural Gas
Central School of PSP on 10-13.09.2009 hosted the European Championships Firefighters in Tennis and Table Tennis . In table tennis has been reported 12 teams representing nine countries , while on the tennis skills showed firefighters from five states. To participate in the Championship declared themselves faced 78 players from the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Greece , Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia , the UK and Polish .
Delegation of China Fire Protection in CSPSP
On 09.11.2009 , the Central School hosted a delegation of Chinese PSP Fire Protection .
On 23.02.2010 y PSP Central School in Czestochowa visited by the professor Munetaka Oyama, employee : Division of Research Initiatives, International Innovation Center, Kyoto University , Nishikyo -ku, Japan .
Visit firefighters from Ukraine
Within the framework initiated by the National Headquarters PSP cooperation and exchange of experiences with other countries in the field of emergency and civil protection , the Polish 15 firefighters arrived from Ukraine Volyn Oblast .
Training camp in Minsk
Between 28.02-06.03 2010. representation of the Central School participated in the training camp for the upcoming season and the Polish Championship in Sport firefighting . The camp took place at the indoor facilities of the Institute of Fire Emergency Situations in Minsk, Belarus .
Visit officer with the U.S. Fire
On 15-16 March , CS PSP visited Mr. Donald Fisher - Fire Officer of the United States. Donald Fisher is a Fulbright scholarship and a student at the University of Arizona.
Visit the Commander Finnish Rescue Service College in Kuopio
From 18.03 - 20.03 Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa visited Mr. Rejio Tolppi - Commander of the Finnish Rescue Service College in Kuopio. Guests toured the classrooms, laboratories , a training ground fire and studied the exercise of School Units and Rescue - Fire Fighting .
Great Britain
Delegation The Fire Service College Moreton in Marsh
On 10 February 2011, at the Central School of the State Fire Service in Częstochowa hosted a delegation from the Fire Service College Moreton in Marsh Gloucestershire , UK.
The visit of the delegation CSPSP centers fire the Republic of Belarus
On 6-13 March. delegation of the Central School of PSP took part in the official visit of the institutions of the Republic of Belarus fire .
A visit to the Republic of Belarus
On 26-27 May in the Republic of Belarus visited 2- person delegation of the Central School of PSP in Czestochowa. The visit was to participate in the fifth International Conference cadets , students and students , organized by the Institute of Fire in Minsk. The guiding theme of the conference was the perspective and support the objectives of public safety , with particular emphasis on current work and activities of the fire services .
Ukraine / Georgia
The second round of training for Ukrainian and Georgian Fire
Between 12.09.2011-16.09.2011 at the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa was the second of three planned training for staff of the Ukrainian and Georgian firefighters .
On 18.03.2012 , the - 24.03.2012 was held traveled on business five employees of the Central School of PSP in Czestochowa to the Institute of Training and Professional Development at the Ministry of Emergency Events Republic of Belarus in Borisov . The purpose of the visit was training in responding to incidents with CBRN substances .
From 3 to 13 September 2012 . Central School PSP implemented training for 20 rescuers from Ukraine Lviv State University, representing the Protection of Life.
On September 24, 2012. launch took place ten training for 10 firefighters from Moldova .
In the period from 24 September to 5 October 2012. Central School PSP implemented training for 10 representatives of the Fire Department of Moldova.
On 22.11.2012r . at the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa , a meeting was held with representatives of the Croatian Association of Fire .
From 3 to 16 December 2012 . held a " Basic training in tactics and rescue - fire fighting and prevention " for the firefighters of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan .
From 18 March to 28 March 2013. Central School PSP implemented training for 10 fire brigade rescuers from Moldova .
From 8 to 19 April 2013. Central School PSP implemented training for 20 representatives of the Fire Department of Ukraine
28.05 On the Central School of the State Fire Service , held a meeting with representatives of Civil Defence in Sweden .
On June 5, 2013 , in the Central School of PSP was the visit of the board of the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (Norwegian Institute for Air Research - NILU ) and the management of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Czestochowa .
On 10 - 11.06.2013r . at the Central School of the State Fire Brigade held the second International Conference under the title :
On June 17, 2013. had a place to start training for 19 firefighters from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan .
XXX International Polish Championship
XXX International Polish Championship in racing fire passed into history. Even after the thirty had the pleasure of watching sports championship Polish fire , which represented a summary of year-round sports training firefighters easily maintained in all units of the State Fire Service .
In accordance with an agreement between the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa and Lviv State University of Life Safety Protection in Ukraine in September launched a project exchange students between universities .
As on 04th October 2013 The Central School of the State Fire Service in Częstochowa hosted representatives of the Voluntary Fire Brigade of Gorzow of Silesia with a group of firefighters from the individual TSO Ramstein - Miesenbach branch in Niedermoh in Germany.
On 08.10.2013r under the apprenticeship ended cadet exchange between the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa and Lviv State University of Life Safety Protection in Ukraine.
On 04-05.12.2013 , the delegation of CS PSP in Czestochowa people st Brigade . Dr. Eng. Marek Chmiel - Commandant and Brig. MSc. Jacek Antos - Head of the Department of Education and representatives of other schools and the Bureau of Fire Training SFS participated in a visit to the Training Center in Frankfurt am Main . Check out the Training Centre was organized by the School of Fire Service in Warsaw .
On February 3, 2013 , in the Central School of the State Fire Service in Częstochowa hosted a representative of Cameroon , Fr. Dr. Brice Megnono .
On 7 February 2013 the Central School of the State Fire Service in Częstochowa hosted a delegation of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Congo.
March 25 in the auditorium of the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa was a meeting of executives School with a delegation of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Congo.
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