Training for Ukrainian and Georgian firefighters
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- Published: Wednesday, 19 February 2014 09:21
- Hits: 26255

Training for Ukrainian and Georgian firefighters - Polish Foreign Aid
Between 22.08.2011-25.08.2011 at the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa was the first of three training courses for the staff of the Ukrainian and Georgian firefighters . Training held at the framework of the project entitled " Tactics activities in technical rescue and medical - the transfer of knowledge through the organization of specialized internships for staff of the Ukrainian and Georgian firefighters ." The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of Polish development aid in 2011 .
In the first round of training was attended by 10 rescuers from Ukraine ( Lviv State University of Life Protection ) and 10 rescuers from Georgia ( Tbilisi). The scope of activities included the following issues :
- The organization of technical rescue in the State Fire Service.
- Training of health and safety .
- Equipment used in the activities in the field of technical rescue emergency rescue equipment , hydraulic, pneumatic equipment , winches and cranes.
- Accidents involving road transport cars: risks occurring in road transport , security, site of the accident , the stabilization of vehicles, means of access to people trapped .
- Presentation of the Group's specialist Technical Rescue : organization , equipment available , the range of tasks.
- Events with a massive : the organization of medical procedures , segregation of victims and first aid .
An integral part of the training exercises were pretending to be in the field of technical rescue and medical . In the assumed scenario of events made it look like an accident public transport bus with a large number of victims , accident tanker truck from the bus . The participants' task was to free people trapped in vehicles, and assist victims. Equally interesting exercise were associated with safe lifting tanker truck and bus transportation.
Practical exercises were carried out in the school military training under the supervision of the Department of Education , the Department of the Traverse , the Department of Education and the School Improvement Unit and Rescue - Fire Fighting CS PSP.
At the end of the training participants completed evaluation questionnaires which assessed the level of knowledge and the organization of teaching .
The project trainees passed special clothing and emergency medical kits PSP - R 1