Training firefighters from Ukraine round I
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- Published: Wednesday, 19 February 2014 09:09
- Hits: 26938
The Central School of the State Fire Service is launching a project Fri " The principles of organization decontamination total resulting from chemical hazards - Ecological mass incidents " . The project is implemented under the Multi-Year Programme of Development Cooperation for the years 2012 - 2015 , implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The project will be implemented modularly , in each of the two modules will be trained 20 representatives of Ukrainian firefighters from the Lviv University Safety and Civil Protection . Training will be held from 3 to 14 September 2012 and from 8 to 19 April 2013.
From 3 to 13 September 2012 . Central School PSP implemented training for 20 rescuers from Ukraine Lviv State University, representing the Protection of Life.
This was another of the planned course of training under the Polish Aid - funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on " The principles of organization decontamination total resulting from chemical hazards - Ecological mass incidents " .
The project was implemented at the Central School PSP, contributed to the increase in the competence of the public service of Ukraine, and thus will improve the efficiency of tasks , improving safety and the environment.
Scope of the training has been agreed with the partner of Lviv State University of Life Safety . Classes were conducted on the military school in modern classrooms and laboratories and practical laboratories.
The project is a continuation launched in 2010 for cooperation in the framework of which 30 were trained rescuers from Ukraine and Georgia in the field of technical rescue . Training in the current year are addressed to rescuers from Ukraine , Moldova.
Filed training included inter alia :
- Physico-chemical parameters , toxic , fire and explosion hazardous chemicals ,
- Chemical hazards during mass events,
- Identifying hazards - labeling of hazardous chemical materials in transport, storage and marketing ,
- Chemical rescue tactics ,
- Sealing equipment , pump fittings ,
- Clothing and personal protective equipment rescuer
- Alerting , warning and evacuation of the events related to the spreading cloud of toxic ,
- Exercise in the smoke chamber ,
- Organization of the pre- decontamination in KSRG ,
- The organization of the final decontamination ,
- Construction of a set of final decontamination tents ,
- The use of medical equipment in the activities of rescue - fire fighting .
The " Polish Aid 2012" , which the Central School of PSP performs with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs, is not just training . It is also hardware support . Rescuers from the Lviv State University of Life Protection will return to the country with the following equipment :
- Special clothing and footwear ,
- Emergency medical kits PSP R1,
- Pump to dangerous substances
- Pneumatic emergency kit ,
- Hydraulic kit for technical rescue ,
- Sets dekontaminacyjnymi .
Participants of the training course in addition to CS PSP had a chance to get acquainted with the functioning of the chemical entity and rescue - fire fighting in Katowice - Piotrowicach The specificity of this unit closer asp . staff . Krzysztof Siwicki . Visiting the Municipal Stadium in Wroclaw , which was one of the arenas EURO 2012 has allowed , in turn, learn the rules of operation and equipment of the stadium .
As part of the cultural program prepared trip and visit to Kraków, as well as the Monastery of Jasna Gora in Czestochowa. Our guests also visited the Auschwitz- Birkenau .
His training was honored by the presence of , among others, :
- Christopher Matyjaszczyk - Mayor of Częstochowa ,
- Nadbryg . Marek handle - Silesian Voivodship Commander of the PSP,
- Senior Brigadier . Marek Chmiel - Commander of CS PSP in Czestochowa ,
- Col. Docent Boris Bolibruch - Dean Lviv State University of Life Safety ,
- Col. Dr. Olga Menszikova , professor of Civil Protection ,
- Dr. Roman Jaworski , responsible for disaster medicine ,
- Associate Professor Oksana Powstyn ,
- Col. Stanislaw Słyż - Head of Crisis Management , Civil Protection and Defence of the City of Częstochowa ,
- Senior Brigadier . Zbigniew Hibner - Commander of the Municipal PSP in Czestochowa.
Ukrainian delegation was chaired by Col. Boris Bolibruch - Dean of the Faculty of the Lviv State University of Life Protection in Lviv.
On a curiosity worth mentioning that among the people involved in the training were 4 women . During the training, firefighters from the Polish and Ukraine could share their insights on the differences in the rescue in their countries.
Classes were conducted by employees of CS PSP :
Brig. Jan Kolda - Physical Chemistry of Combustion
Brig. Roman Rob Nicholls - Commander JRG - Tactics Action Extinguishing ,
Junior Brigadier . Marek Poterek - Tactics Action Rescue - Rescue chemical - organic,
Junior Brigadier . Thomas Zasępa - Tactics Action Rescue - Rescue chemical - organic,
st Cpt. Arthur Ankowski - Tactics Action Rescue - Rescue chemical - organic,
st Cpt. Mariusz Adventure - Identifying Threats,
st Cpt. Jaroslaw Wojtania - EMERGENCY MEDICAL