Training firefighters from Moldova round II
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- Published: Wednesday, 19 February 2014 09:11
- Hits: 27553
From 18 March to 28 March 2013. Central School PSP implemented training for 10 fire brigade rescuers from Moldova .
St . Brig. MSc. Marek Chmiel Commander of the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa has consistently pursued close cooperation with foreign firefighters from Moldova , Ukraine, Georgia , Belarus, England, Scotland , Ireland, Germany , Czech Republic and Slovakia. With such common training constantly raised the level of classes in Czestochowa school .
The training at the Central School in Czestochowa PSP was implemented under the project : " IDENTIFY and LIQUIDATION HAZARD in TIME FIRES , and TECHNICAL CHEMICAL RESCUE " and was one of the elements of a multi-annual development cooperation program for the period 2012 - 2015 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs .
The project rescuers from Moldova have been trained in the recognition and elimination of hazards in the chemical and technical rescue . The selection of subjects was determined on the basis of common agreement between the Parties . Classes were conducted on the military school in modern classrooms and laboratories and practical laboratories , by CS PSP staff and external experts . Joint exercises of our guests from Moldova with the cast of the school and Rescue Units - Fire Fighting been a great field to exchange experiences, and also offer an opportunity for comparison of emergency procedures in both countries .
Training carried out at the Central School PSP, contributed to the increase in the competence of public services Moldova , and thus made it possible to increase the efficiency of its activities, improve security and the environment.
An existing project is a continuation of initiated cooperation in 2010 , in which trained rescuers from Ukraine and Georgia in the field of technical rescue . Training in the current year are addressed to rescuers from Ukraine , Moldova and Afghanistan.
Filed training included inter alia :
• Identifying hazards - marking hazardous chemical materials in transport, storage and marketing ,
• Tactics in chemical rescue ,
• Equipment to reduce oil spills ,
• Targeting salvage operations , coordination , cooperation with the media,
• Rescue after a construction accident , searching for missing persons
• Legal basis of the chemical and environmental rescue in Poland
• Chemical hazards and ecological - the sources , causes and consequences of their occurrence .
• Tactics rescue ecological,
• Recognize the risks - and control equipment - Measuring the determination of hazardous chemicals ,
• Protection of the environment after the action ,
• Clothing and personal protective equipment rescuer
• Distribution of extinguishing agents and their effects. Quick -fighting equipment ,
• Fire fighting substances particularly hazardous and other
• Fixed firefighting systems : water , foam, powder , gas, aerosol ,
• Operating temperature electrical equipment. Causes of hazards and electrical installations . Fire safety in the use of electrical equipment and systems - legal issues. Statistics causes of fires in Poland. Examples of fires caused by phenomena in electrical plant and equipment ,
• Study: electric cables under overload conditions , connections, contacts in devices and electrical devices ,
• Accidents involving road transport trucks. Emergency lift trucks. Analysis of selected events
• Use of medical equipment in fire and rescue operations .
The knowledge gained during the training will be given to the firefighters of the units in which they serve the trainees .
The measures implemented in the project are of particular importance to strengthening international cooperation on such an important sector , which is the improvement of emergency services. Of the project is to support and promote the cooperation of firefighters from different countries.
The project " Polish Aid 2012-2015 ," which implements the Central School of PSP with the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs, is not just training . It is also hardware support . Rescuers from Moldova to return to their country with the likes of :
- Special clothing and footwear ,
- Multi-gas detector ,
- Sets the security action area ,
- Gas-tight clothes ,
- Masks of filtropochłaniaczami ,
- Decontamination kits .
As part of the cultural program prepared trip and tour of Krakow. Our guests visited the Auschwitz- Birkenau . During the end of the training Commandant Brigadier CS PSP st . Marek Chmiel said:
"While conducting classes , our teachers tried to present to you the practical skills of the principles of modern chemical and technical rescue . From the perspective of these ten days of training reassured myself that what we do has a profound meaning. I met many interesting people. There was an exchange of views and experiences , as well as new ideas emerged to organize another interesting training.
The unique atmosphere that prevailed during each day, the warmth of all parties made willingly and joyfully take up new tasks in the framework of the Eastern Partnership . "
During the ceremony at the end of training Commandant of the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa City of Brig. MSc. Marek Chmiel , along with Lieutenant Colonel Vitaly Ruszyka Ivanowiczem - commander of the firefighters delegation from Moldova, declared their desire and need for further cooperation.
During the training of rescuers from Moldova met with :
- Lord nadbryg . Piotr Kwiatkowski - Deputy Commander in Chief of the PSP ,
- Lord nadbryg . Mark Handle - Silesian Provincial Commander of the PSP ,
- Lord Lt.-Col. Krzysztof Tarapacz - Military Commander of Replenishment in Czestochowa ,
- Lord Makonde . Slawomir Lithuanian - Deputy Commandant of the Municipal Police in Czestochowa ,
- Colonel Lord . Stanislaw Słyżem - Head of the Department of Emergency Management , Civil Protection and Defence of the City of Częstochowa.
Classes were conducted by employees of CS PSP and external lecturers :
1 Brig. Jan Kolda - Physical Chemistry of Combustion
2 Junior Brigadier . Wieslaw Werner - Deputy Commander of the JRG - Tactics Action Extinguishing ,
3 Junior Brigadier . Marek Poterek - Tactics Action Rescue - Rescue Chemistry - Ecology,
4 st Cpt. Peter Placek - Occupational Health and Safety ,
5 st Cpt. Arthur Ankowski - Tactics Action Rescue - Rescue Chemistry - Ecology,
6 st Cpt. Mariusz Adventure - Identify Risks - Risks in Electrical Networks ,
7 st Cpt. Jaroslaw Wojtania - Emergency Medical Services ,
8 Cpt. Paul Penar - Emergency Medical Services ,
9 Cpt. David Kręciwilk - Extinguishing Media ,
10 Adrian Barasiński - Hazards of Electrical Networks ,
11 Brig. Jacek Antos - Fixed Firefighting The devices ,
12 Brig. Dariusz tick - Commander JRG Mining oak wood - Technical Rescue Specialist ,
13 st Cpt. Artur Baszczyński - Specialist in building disasters - SFS Lodz,
14 asp . staff . Krzysztof Siwicki of Chemical Rescue Unit - Fire Fighting
Katowice - Piotrowicach