Visit of the delegation of the Congo in CS PSP

On 7 February 2013 the Central School of the State Fire Service in Częstochowa hosted a delegation of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Congo.

 In a meeting with the Republic of the Congo attended

Bruno Stanislas Dimeni - President and CEO of American Eagle Business Solutions LLC

Honorable Serge V. Ignoumba - Maligha - Rapporteur of the Commission of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Congo ,

Eddy Koryna - specialist in the development of exports.

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On behalf of the Central School of PSP :

Senior Brigadier . Marek Chmiel - Commander of the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa

Brig. Jacek Antos - Head of the Department of Education,


The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint visitors with :

- Familiarization with the system of education and teaching opportunities at the Central School of PSP in Czestochowa.


During the visit, Commander of the Central School presented information on the task of teaching - training conducted by the Central School of the State Fire Service in Czestochowa. Presented a video about the school, who helped arrange the understanding of the tasks and aims of the Central School of the State Fire Service . During the meeting, the School grounds also include educational facilities in the area of ​​the polygon , polygonal positions used for practical , modern laboratories , building investments and demonstrated equipment Fire Fighting and Rescue Units school .


The talks were also discussed the cooperation of the Central School PSP Republic of the Congo and the evaluation of the implementation of joint projects and training.